Friday 14 July 2017

Season Five [Part Nine]

- 34 -

The INV Queentia Iactura was less than a full day out from drydock. The IFA Wave Knight had defeated estimations, towing Stephanie’s Majestic with a twisted grace but undeniable speed. The final day would prove to be among the handful of Stephanie’s longest. Though none of her other notable long days are memories that she cherishes.

DuHart arrived on her bridge earlier than she normally did. The routine of shift change normally consisted of her Tactical Officer receiving sign-off reports from the night crew, then spending a short few minutes alone preparing them for DuHart as he awaited the arrival of the others. Stephanie’s habit was to arrive two minutes past the beginning of the shift, to allow this preparation to occur without her supervision. This she did as a show of trust, in the competency of her crew. A habit only broken in dire or otherwise important circumstances.

Stephanie returned the salutes of her retiring night crew as she made her way through the bridge. Emerging from her ready room a few minutes later with a cup of coffee in each hand, she walked to the Tactical station and placed one of the cups on it. Cael Theo looked at the coffee, confused for a moment, then he took it up and thanked His Captain.

“Mister Theo, I don’t expect today to prove very testing, but I also believe that the utmost of tact and professionalism will be necessitated.” Captain DuHart said, taking a sip of the coffee in her hands.

“Of course, Ma’am.” Cael agreed, turning away from his paperwork to address her properly.

They stood almost two meters apart, shoulders squared to one another. Stephanie took a breath and tried to let her shoulders loosen. Cael made every effort to stand at attention. She looked at him, and as he shared that look Cael’s shoulders dropped a little. His softening posture was the tiny push Stephanie needed to continue. She did her best to remember the girl’s coaching.

“There is something, more.” Stephanie stepped closer to Cael and moved between him and his station.

“Captain?” Cael’s heart fluttered embarrassingly.

“Cael.” Stephanie sat on the console, almost touching her tactical officer they were so close. “Should I invite you to spend the night, in The Captain’s Quarters tonight?”

Adrenaline shot through Cael as if he was under fire. He felt the plastic cup in his hand slip, but managed to hold his grip on it without spilling any. His mouth fell open as his cheeks turned bright red. He tried to speak, but found he needed to take a few breaths before he was able to.

“I would, like that.” The words fell out of Cael Theo’s mouth. He felt like he was watching a holo-show about himself.

“Then tonight, I would like you to visit. My Focariae and I would gladly entertain your company.” Stephanie put her coffee down beside herself and reached out to
Cael as she spoke, but she hesitated.

The girl had advised her to touch his hair if he agreed, explained that such subtleties were important methods of communication. Stephanie was suddenly unsure if she could leave it at that. But before she could even frame it as a challenge, she overcame it. Her fingers took a thin lock of Cael’s golden hair between them. She stroked it carefully before letting his hair fall back into place.

Cael let out a breath and closed his eyes. Stephanie wanted to kiss him right there, but she couldn’t, not while they were on duty. Her behavior was already a carefully allowed strain on the boundries she had within her life. So The Captain quickly took her coffee back up from the Tactical station and made to stand. As she did, Stephanie found herself pushing into Cael’s personal space, and the combination of his shock and confusion had him hesitate. Stephanie wanted to take the coffee out of his hand and put her breast into it instead. Cael would like that, she thought. She couldn’t help but get closer to him though, their shoulders brushed, and their arms rubbed past. Cael finally made to step out of Stephanie’s stride at the last minute. As she stood back up she had put her foot down between his, and felt his erection against her thigh.

Cael gasped as quietly as he could, and Stephanie continued her march off to the Ready Room. She did her best to make no show of her feelings, but her face felt hot. The Captain would wait until her bridge was fully manned before returning to it. Stephanie’s Tactical Officer was able to maintain his professionalism.

The Wave Knight dragged The Queentia Iactura back into realspace in a system without a name. Once the pair of Capital vessels were able to return a signal, The INV Winnipeg was able to lock onto them and drop out of supercruise nearby. It would take nearly an hour to carefully control the orbit of the barely space-worthy Majestic, bringing it closer and closer to the Coriolis that had been nearest and able to provide drydock. The Cutter patrolled the ponderously closing gap, as Captain Pilling kept his vessel poised to shunt Stephanie’s free of the starport, should anything go awry.

The Captain of The IFA Wave Knight was relieved to see that his caution was not tested, and at a distance of eight hundred meters, Orbital Sync was achieved. Though only marginally, less time was required to erect the dock around Stephanie’s vessel. Pilling and DuHart spoke a final time, both Captains had received their orders shortly before arrival, but for a moment they procrastinated together.

“I suppose I got off lightly, if Command was bound to make a liar of me, it could have been over something far worse.” Pilling raised a wine glass to his viewscreen, in her office DuHart matched the gesture with her own. “Sugar coat it for me, say they’re well behaved.”

“They are saints.” DuHart chuckled. “One of them blessed an Officer of mine, with a knife.”

“Oh Lords.” Pilling muttered, then he drank.

“I jest, Captain.” DuHart hesitated for a moment. “The boy has been doing very well in The Galley, since it happened.”

“I probably would have shot him.” Pilling admitted.

“Oh, my Officer is fine.” DuHart clarified.

“I see.” Pilling considered that for a moment. “When were you going to ask me to go easy on them?”

“Now.” DuHart tried but failed to smile. “Would you be willing, to humor me?”

“No Captain, not about something this serious.” Pilling looked away from DuHart’s image for a moment. She couldn’t know this, but he was looking out his window at her vessel. “I can only treat them as well as they allow me to.”

“I can hope that will be enough.” DuHart said, unfeeling. “Must we not endeavor, to be an example?” She added, quietly but with honesty in her voice.

“Captain DuHart, I would have more than some difficulty making such a statement about myself, and my own career…” Pilling had heard of Captain DuHart, most Imperial Captains had by now.

She looked at him, beckoning in her eyes.

“Captain Pilling, I wish to tell you that I have as of yet not been forced to lie, for The Empire.” DuHart admitted.

With a silent nod, Captain Pilling agreed to be as good an example of the Empire as he could, for the remainder of his mission.

- 35 -

The survivors of That Good Night were loaded onto The Wave Knight to be hauled deeper into the Empire, for processing. It took one hour and fourty-six minutes, before the halls of The Queentia Iactura were the most deserted they would ever be during her service. The emptiness of Stephanie’s ship deepened as even the Captain was forced to leave her, if only for a short while. She was required to attend a meeting stationside.

Stephanie was marginally concerned by the apparent break from procedures. Being called to this meeting was strange also, because it was being done with a casual secrecy, she was unsure who she was meeting with. The Naval offices seemed to be operating normally, no signs of anything bizarre related to her presence. DuHart was very surprised though, when she found Admiral Phelix Livius waiting for her in the appointed office, he was alone.

“Admiral.” Captain DuHart saluted.

“Captain.” He returned the gesture. “We’re going to pin a medal onto you.”

“I…” Stephanie took a small breath. “Yes, thank you sir.”

“I wished to speak with you more privately, hence my more subtle than usual presence here.” He smiled, gestured as he spoke. “There will be a ceremony.”

“Yes sir.” DuHart replied.

“Would you like to take a seat, Captain?” The Admiral suggested.

“No thank you, sir.” Stephanie shook her head.

“You have gone above and beyond, Captain.” He held out his hand for her to shake.

It took Stephanie a moment to notice. Blinking a few times, she took up his offered handshake.

“I must apologize Admiral, I am slightly spent.” DuHart said.

“No apology is necessary.” The Admiral smiled. “Now, there is something I wish to add.”

Stephanie was oddly relieved to discover that her instincts were not faulty. She was being reprimanded, as she had suspected.

“As well as this situation has concluded, I think you know fully how reckless your behavior has been.” The Admiral admonished.

“Yes sir.” DuHart responded.

“What has occurred has been most unusual, and we fully understand the need to improvise when your procedures fail you.” Phelix sighed. “Furthermore and only by stroke of luck, the end result of your encounter with that vessel has also proven far less disastrous that it might have. In the future though, Naval High Command would much rather, you at the very least maintain contact.”

“Yes sir.” Stephanie’s answer was devoid of all the things she could say in defence.

“Fortunately someone had an in with UII, and this can all be handled smoothly.” Livius’ statement caught DuHart’s attention.

“Pardon me Admiral, but with whom?” The Captain deigned to ask.

“Uriel Interstellar Industries. They’ve bought up all of your refugees.” He answered casually.

“I’ve brought them into chains?” Stephanie muttered, too exhausted from her journey to silence herself.

“What?” The Admiral seemed a little insulted. “No, you've brought these people to freedom. You of all people, should understand that freedom is far from free.”

“Yes, yes Admiral. My apologies, I…” Stephanie’s eyes lost focus for a moment. “I’m not sure. This experience has been more tiring than I thought, perhaps.”

“I understand.” He took a seat, and gestured again for DuHart to do the same, this time she did. “On my first year of Command, the only death I had to deal with was a repairman who forgot a lockout-switch.”

“These are not the first deaths, under my Command.” Stephanie all-but admitted.

“I know. How many were lost?” Livius asked Stephanie.

“Six Hundred and Forty-Three.” And the others, who were not her crew, Stephanie couldn’t help but feel responsible for killing them too.

“I can’t even imagine.” Admiral Livius admitted.

“I have saved the lives of thousands.” Stephanie told herself.

“You have, Captain. In fact, word is already getting out.” The Admiral smiled again. “Hence the ceremony and the medals.”

“I suppose that means, I am doing my job well.” DuHart quipped, though not as a joke.

“I suppose it does.” Livius agreed with a chuckle. “The Federation has released a statement about The Hellion.”

“That it was stolen.” Stephanie said.

“Ah, I see you’ve seen it.” Phelix replied.

“No, that is what They always say.” DuHart explained.

“You don’t believe any pirates, actually have their hands on one of those ships?” Admiral Livius asked.

“Oh no, many do.” Captain DuHart clarified. “But, there are no stolen Farraguts.”

“Captain, please do not take this as disbelief, but I will ask you not to make such accusations in any settings more open than our current one.” Livius cleared his throat.

“Yes sir.” Captain DuHart replied.

“Normally we would hold something grand for your accomplishments, but we are going with something rather private.” Admiral Livius continued.

“Very good, Sir.” DuHart agreed.

“There shouldn’t be much to it, a few Holographs and handshakes, most likely.” Livius waved his hand.

“When will this be taking place, Sir?” Stephanie DuHart felt the need to ask, once she came to the conclusion that she was being coached.

“In a few hours.” The Admiral answered.

- 36 -

“Here you are, Sir.” Stephanie’s Communications Officer announced as he put the glasses before Cael on the table.

“Thank you.” Cael replied.

The Tactical Officer was still vaguely curious about being asked to meet for that drink. The bar on deck two was never an unwelcoming watering hole, but this beckoning there was slightly out of place. Cael was worried that he had his answer, in that his fellow Bridge Officer was not in uniform. He reminded himself hopefully that when off duty, this was theoretically allowed.

“No Sir, thank you. My time here has been unforgettable.” The lamentful Lagomorph’s tense struck Cael Theo like a blow.

“You, are leaving?” Cael put down his drink.

“Yes.” The man sitting across from Cael answered. “I just don’t think I’m cut out for this.”

“I will tell you, that I completely disagree.” Cael said. “You will be difficult to replace.”

“Thank you Sir, but I…” He tried to frame his thoughts, and failed. He wouldn’t even consider mentioning his nightmares. “I just- I can’t. I’m sorry, Sir.”

“Very well.” The Tactical Officer stood up, replacing his chair.

Cael hesitated for a moment, trying to decide if he should offer a handshake. Then the decision was taken away by the offering of his small and grey-furred hand. Cael Theo shook it out of politeness, before walking away. Leaving the drink offered to him untouched and the washout to whatever became of him.

The walk back to his quarters was mercifully devoid of anyone wishing to speak with Cael. He was clenching his fists by the time he was home, almost ready to start ranting to himself. He set his door to Do-Not-Disturb with a smack from the bottom of his fist, and walked halfway to his bunk.

“Damnit!” With a shout and a clatter, the Tactical Officer was brought to his knees.

He punched the floor, then let out a crackling sob. Cael made an attempt to control his breathing and sat on his legs, letting his hands fall to the floor at his sides. In his mind, Cael had choice words for his lost comrade. He let them weave and spin in his thoughts, but kept his teeth gritted. Refusing to give life to the words through his voice. Anger washed over Cael, he let it. He let his friend die to him, over the choice he had made. Cael Theo knew what he was doing was hypocrisy at best, and hideous at worst, but fighting it was beyond him. Perhaps though, and Cael was well aware: it was wanting to fight that ingrained anger, that was beyond him.

Cael had been taught to admire stoicism and perseverance, but there was a dark offset to that lesson. Cael thought of it as an unpleasant necessity to his learning. Cael already missed his former friend’s timely and astute input on the bridge, he sniffed and blinked to hold back tears. Knuckles snapped into the side of Cael’s jaw, his own. He sat motionless letting the adrenal rush stay him. Once he’d calmed, Cael stood up and made his way to the cupboard to pour himself a single shot.

Cael was on duty, but he was busy. Besides, he thought to himself, now that they’ve herded everyone away, there was almost nothing for him to do anymore. Cael took the shot, then felt a tingle of pity for the refugees. They were far from abandoned, but he expected few of them to ever be truly satisfied with what would happen to them. The Imperium could afford only so much mercy, and they would be forced to suffice with the true benefits being for their children, or grandchildren.

Then Stephanie’s Tactical Officer remembered the thug-boy, and tried to recall his name. Whatever he called himself, Cael remembered suddenly how well he had heard the boy was doing in the galley. Surely if a failed criminal could handle life onboard, then that long-eared-fuck has no excuse. Another shot, Cael also decided.

Having found the button outside to be ineffective, the girl tried rapping her knuckles against the door a few times. After the passing of a few moments, Cael appeared in the opened hatchway to his quarters.

“Hello Cael.” The girl greeted him.

“Oh, uhm hello.” He replied, a little stunned.

“May I come inside?” Her question was delivered with a cheeky smile.

“Oh, yes. Of course.” Cael Collected himself and acquiesced.

Once inside by a handful of paces, the girl turned on her heel to face Cael. He was held in place by her inspection. She looked him up and down before beginning to speak.

“Have you any allergies, or preferences for dinner?” The girl posed her first question.

“No, none.” Cael answered.

“Were you planning to wear your uniform?” Her second question was not as simple to answer.

“I… Should I not?” Cael asked, confused.

“Not if you have anything more casual.” The girl replied.

“I don’t believe that I do.” Other than his uniforms, he had with him only a few articles of gifted clothing, that were not meant to be worn publicly, but commemorative of holidays.

“Then I suppose your uniform will do nicely.” The girl said, smiling. “Are you sure there is nothing you would like, for dinner?”

“Whatever Stephanie prefers, will be fine for me.” Cael assured her. “Is there anything else?”

“Yes, there is.” The girl hesitated for a moment. “Sometimes, Stephanie can become, somewhat emotional, in the bedroom.”

Stephanie’s Pallaca waited for her Tactical Officer to question, or comment on this. He did not. After a small moment, the girl continued.

“Should you find yourself unsure, simply follow my lead.” She explained quietly.

“Oh, Okay.” Cael replied, trying to stay the tingle this information was sending through him.

“Until this evening then.” The girl curtsied, then saw herself out.

- 37 -

Trying not to count the Holographs she posed for proved fruitless, almost exactly half the number of hands she’d shaken. The two small medals they’d pinned to her uniform glittering in the lights of the cameras. Sparkling with accusatory pinpricks of infrared light, few but Stephanie could even see. Captain DuHart was simply waiting until they began in earnest. Once the Galnet crews had left, and the room contained only high-ranking Officers of The Imperial Navy, there was a momentary silence. Then a few glances were shared and they began.

“Captain Stephanie DuHart, High Command would like to hear a few details. Which we feel were not elaborated upon fully, in the reports you’ve submitted.” A stout older woman with red hair and a gravelly voice spoke for the group. DuHart could see she was a Fleet Marshall, and knew there were only four of them.

“Yes, ask away Sir.” DuHart responded.

“You’ve only turned over two of the three prisoners, from The Hellion.” The Fleet Marshal’s directness was a small mercy.

“The third was mistakenly identified as Federal personnel, initially.” DuHart answered, almost quoting herself from her reports.

“You have only reported, that you interrogated this man. We would like to know what you know, or we would like to see him.” The stout redhead’s tone sharpened.

“He is a civilian who was caught up in the fighting.” DuHart desperately hoped that would suffice.

“Not good enough Captain.” The Fleet-Marshal shook her head and gestured in frustration. “It does not look proper for you, to be covering for a Federal Commander like this.”

“There is no longer a Federal Commander to cover for.” Stephanie answered harshly.

“We would like to interrogate him ourselves.” She leaned towards DuHart and pointed at The Captain’s sternum.

“We all would like things, but they do not necessarily happen. Sir.” Captain DuHart’s words were met with a moment of silence.

“Why are you protecting this man, what did he do?” The Fleet-Marshall narrowed her eyes at DuHart.

“He has done nothing, and I am now as convinced as ever, that I’ve made the correct choice in protecting him for it.” DuHart returned that look alongside her rebuke.

“We will know if you are lying to us.” The Fleet-Marshall's threat was not unfamiliar to DuHart, but this time it was also empty.

“I trust that you will, Sir.” DuHart smiled confidently.

“As per the Generation Ship, I am ordering you to review the procedures manual, Captain.” She spoke to DuHart through gritted teeth.

“Yes Sir.” DuHart replied.

“Once your vessel is operational again, you are going to take Her to Facece, drydock at Fortress York, and submit to a complete overhaul.” Simple orders were issued to DuHart, from the very top.

“Yes Sir.” DuHart replied again.

“There is something amiss with your sensor systems.” The Fleet-Marshall explained to Captain DuHart.

“Yes, Sir.” The Captain was given no choice but to agree.

“You will be re-deployed for consular duty, closer to home.” Where she could have an eye kept on her, and would be less likely to get into trouble again.

“Of course, Sir.” Stephanie did agree.

“Try to keep from getting distracted from your mission like this, in the future.” The Fleet-Marshal wore her distaste on her face.

“Yes sir.” DuHart held her stoic expression.

The highest ranking official in the room shot her dangerous look towards Livius before leaving, three others followed her. Once the Fleet Marshal was gone, the few who remained found a calm. Before too long Admiral Livius also left, though he thanked each of those who remained for their presence first. He shook Stephanie’s hand again, just before making his exit.

The Captain sat and pondered her situation. The Empire had a strange set of methods when it came to dealing with insubordination, she concluded. DuHart was being punished, that was in no doubt. But she was less sure about why. That said, The Federation would have let no deviation from her orders stand. Had she tried to save those people, They would have seen to a swift solution to the situation. The Empire, Stephanie was learning, would begrudgingly be forced into helping the needy. It was all a series of ephemeral concepts, twisting in Stephanie’s mind, but slowly she began to accept it. She knew so many ways that were so much worse, this was clearly for the best.

“Hello Captain.” A man sat beside DuHart at the table as he announced himself.

“Oh yes, is there something you need?” Stephanie shook her head as she gave him her attention, she could remember shaking his hand for cameras earlier, but not his name.

“No no, hearing’s over. I just wished to speak with you.” He smiled amicably, and DuHart took note of his civilian attire. She had assumed the room contained only military personnel at that point.

“I see, please forgive me but today has been somewhat of a blur.” DuHart gave him an apologetic smile. “Your name, sir?”

A genuine laugh of unshackled mirth was loosed from the man. He was not being snide, that was clear, but DuHart was still confused by his response.

“Abraham Uriel-Takahiro, at your service.” He held out his hand and smiled broadly. The Captain shook it again, intrigued by his sudden burst of joviality. “It’s been nearly three years since I’ve actually needed to do that.”

“Do what?” Stephanie questioned.

“Introduce myself.” The Mogul answered. “Anyway, I just wanted to personally thank you. I know you weren’t trying to solve my problems, but you have nonetheless.”

“Oh, Yes.” DuHart had become unsure about speaking with the man, as she realized who he was.

“Serendipity, good luck, whatever you want to call it. Just keep up the good work, Captain.” The CEO of Uriel Interstellar Industries stood back up and extended his hand for DuHart to shake yet again.

The Captain returned the Mogul’s handshake a final time, quite mechanically, not giving much thought to what she was doing. Stephanie felt as though her palm were slightly moist for the next few hours.

- 38 -

Returning to her Vessel and making her way through it, Captain DuHart felt a weight pressing down on her. She was already on the now deserted First Deck before she remembered her plans for that evening. Stephanie quickly forgot the heavy feeling draped over her.

The white jacket of The Captain’s uniform was removed as soon as she was inside. Stephanie met the girl in the foyer and kissed her, before retreating to their bedroom to prepare. She cast off the remainder of her uniform and set it aside to shower. It took DuHart’s considerable willpower to focus on cleaning herself, and no more. Once dry, Stephanie marched directly to the closet. She found the linen dress they had purchased in Stephanie’s size, and took it from the rack.

In less than two hours, Cael Theo arrived at the door to His Captain’s quarters. He failed himself, and hesitated outside for a moment before pressing the button to let them know he was there. The Naval Blue of his uniform nearly shone in the bright light that spilled through the door when the girl opened it. She smiled and led him inside with a gesture.

Stephanie had requested a table be brought to her quarters for the evening. It was not a large one, but slightly oversized for only three. They has set it in the foyer, for simplicity. The Carefully draped tablecloth and expert setting of the dinnerware was only slightly undermined by the trio of mismatched chairs. The two from the kitchen and another that usually sat beside Stephanie’s dresser, to sit on while she put on her socks.

Cael was struck when he saw His Captain, standing beside her place at the cozy round table, clad in a pallaca’s gown. He was led, still in awe, towards the table by the girl. Once they were all seated, Stephanie began to serve the girl’s proven dish. Her minor alteration on a traditional tomato and noodle recipe.

“I am very pleased you’ve come by, Mister Theo.” Stephanie told him, as she directed his attention to the seasoned and buttered toast the girl had prepared as a side.

“I wouldn’t avoid this occasion, Captain.” He replied.

With a sly grin, Stephanie took up a heaping scoop of the pureed vegetables, the girl’s other choice of side. She brought it to Her Tactical Officer’s plate, carefully serving the bright orange mash.

“Cael, it would please me if you would indulge us in something?” Stephanie said quietly.

“Anything.” Cael replied.

“Tonight, Your Captain is nothing more than a job to be taking an evenings leave from. We are here to help you with that.” Stephanie’s spoke in as sultry a voice as she had.

“Of-of course.” Cael looked around the table again. “I would, enjoy that.”

“Then we should eat.” The girl announced, before immediately doing so herself.

Following her lead, Cael took up his fork as well. Stephanie smiled as she took her first bite, her Pallaca’s cooking was as lovely as ever. The girl enjoyed the quiet as all three at the table enjoyed their meal, always a sign of satisfaction with the cook. Cael chose not to mention it, but he hadn’t eaten Spaghetti made in that manner since he was last with his parents. Before too long, the trio had finished their meal.

Stephanie began to clear the table, as the girl stood and beckoned Cael to follow her. She led the quietly nervous Officer to their bedroom. Sitting him on the foot of their bed, she took off his shoes. Shortly thereafter, Stephanie appeared in the doorway. She stood there for a hesitant moment, surveying the scene before her. Then Stephanie made her way to them and took her place opposite the girl, beside Cael.

Sitting on either side of him, at the foot of the bed, they began to unbutton his shirt together. Cael trembled, Stephanie put her free arm around his shoulders, the girl took up her hand. His shirt opened, the girl began to caress his smooth bared chest. Stephanie unhesitantly drew her fingers down towards the clasp of his pants. He felt unsure of where he should have his hands, Stephanie was sitting on one of them.

The girl let her fingers creep up along Cael’s throat, and wrapped them around his chin. She turned him so as to face Stephanie, who kissed him. Cael was unsure which was more shocking; finding Stephanie’s spiny tongue in his mouth, or feeling her padded fingers wrap around his penis. After releasing his chin, the girl reached down and finished removing Cael’s pants for Stephanie.

She had slid off the bed to take off his socks, and was kneeling before both of their sets of knees. The girl smiled as she inspected her lover’s technique. Her grip was not firm and her pace was slow, necessities as his member was still dry. Cael seemed to be enjoying himself nonetheless.

“Lay him down.” The Concubine commanded quietly. Her lover obliged instantly.

Still kneeling at the foot of the bed, the girl placed each of her hands on each of Cael’s knees and leaned over him. With a nudge from her nose, the stayed Stephane’s hand. Then she took the head of Cael’s penis into her mouth. Letting just the tip of it protrude from her lips, the girl ran her tongue around Cael a few times, before suddenly swallowing all of him.

For a moment, Stephanie pulled her tongue from Cael’s mouth, and both of them simply watched the girl. But as Stephanie’s Pallaca began to make more creative use of her tongue, Cael began to moan, so Stephanie put her own tongue back between his lips. Stephanie’s now freed hand found its way along Cael’s body towards his neck, then over his chin. She caressed his cheek. Cael reached over and with trembling fingers, he returned the gesture. The movements of Cael’s fingers was becoming a little more erratic, so Stephanie took his hand into her own.

He might have been trying to speak, but the motions of his tongue were far too exciting for Stephanie to pull her lips away. Cael closed his eyes and drew in breath. A similar drawing in of breath from the girl, signalled an early ending. She’d left Cael throbbing, his shaft swolen with anticipation, but not yet allowed him any release. Stephanie and Cael’s hands were gripped together so tightly they were shaking. Beneath Stephanie, he had a similar grip on a handful of the fur on her thigh. Cael’s mouth was open wide, the inside of it being explored thoroughly by Stephanie’s tongue.

Watching them, the girl cheekily blew a tiny gust of air along the underside of Cael’s penis, still wet with her saliva. She could feel him tensing his legs, and watch his pulse shoot along the length of him. She would have done it again, if she wasn’t trying to keep him from ejaculating. In due time, the throbbing would slow, and become less intense. The with a small push against Stephanie’s hip before sliding back to the floor, the girl had her lover lay down.

Grasping his shoulder and not for a moment ending their kiss, Stephanie pulled Cael on top of herself, giving him a moment to support his own weight. Then she wrapped her arms around him. Cael’s knees were nearly touching on the mattress, Stephanie’s legs were spread slightly to accommodate them. Smiling slyly, the girl slowly crawled back up onto the bed.

She leaned over Cael and began to pull up Stephanie’s white linen gown, she left it rolled across her pearly midsection. Stephanie’s borrowed underwear were exposed, the girl’s pair of blue and green striped panties stretched and miniscule on DuHart. Then the girl reached down and guided Cael’s legs so that he straddled one of Stephanie’s. The girl held the base of Cael’s shaft to direct it, and used her weight to guide his hips downward. Letting the tip of Cael’s penis brush against them, she pulled the panties aside and leaned against him further.

As he entered Stephanie, she broke free of his lips and let out a loud warble. Cael was left gasping and shuddering in shock and excitement. Stephanie found the top edge of the footboard of the bed with her toes and pushed herself along the mattress, taking Cael and the girl along with her. Finding herself intoxicated by the sounds it produced from Cael, the girl thrust his hips into Stephanie with her own, once more.

Stephanie’s Tactical Officer buried his face in the tuft of white fur between her breasts as she caressed and nuzzled his hair. The girl continued to pump him up and down. Stephanie began to lift her legs, making to wrap them around both of them tightly. But as much as she would have loved it, the girl caught her lover’s ankles and held her raised legs aside. This novel leverage changed her angle of attack through Cael and his toes began to curl, his hands found Stephanie’s breasts and began to grasp at them manically.

“I’m gonna, I’m gonna-” Cael muttered repeatedly, muffled by Stephanie’s chest fur.

The girl suddenly relinquished Stephanie’s ankles, and took hold of Cael’s waist. She pulled him off Her Lover. Grasping the base of his penis almost, but not quite roughly. Her forefinger and thumb wrapped around it, his testicles cradled in the rest of her hand. Cael instinctively took hold of her wrists as the girl let him sit on his own legs and tremble, but no more.

With a tremendous throb, a single voluminous drop of semen came to the tip of Cael’s penis, hanging there. Stephanie could smell it and Cael’s deep devotion for her, immediately. The girl watched her lover sit up, then bend over to lap up the droplet. Refusing to let herself hesitate, Stephanie ran her tongue rapidly along the underside of Cael’s head to catch the already stretching glob. Cael let out a tiny high-pitched sound as she did, then Stephanie’s eyes closed as she tasted him.

His taste was better than his scent, not just stronger but deeper. Richer and far more satisfying. A powerful shudder ran up and down Stephanie, as she orgasmed with the press of her tongue to the roof of her mouth. The girl maintained her grip on Cael as he tried to steady his breathing. He felt the need to close his eyes, took a few deep breaths and reopened them.

Stephanie had crawled across the bed, as close to him as she could. As she saw he was watching her again, she began to run her cheeks along his body, beginning with one of his thighs. Cael and the girl could both hear her sniffing at him as she did, and a rumbling sound emanating from her throat. As she passed his midsection, Stephanie playfully ran the tip of her tongue around his navel. The girl felt Cael again begin to approach orgasm as she did.

Stephanie inhaled deeply as she drew her nose across Cael’s chest. Surprising all when she let out a shy moan from it. Stephanie blushed beneath her fur, but began to press her cheek to Cael’s. In a moment Stephanie found herself drawing her tongue along his jawline and pressing her body into his. The girl relinquished Cael and watched as a glob of pre-ejaculate was loosed onto Stephanie’s thigh. Cael gasped and Stephanie pulled herself away from him for a moment, surveying.

Cael watched Stephanie become transfixed by the rivulet of cum tracing its way from her leg to his cock. She drew in a tiny shuddering breath as a thin stream began to run down his length, over the girl’s fingers and Cael’s testicles. With her other hand, the girl directed Stephanie to wait a moment. Then she slowly relinquished him and climbed out from behind Cael. The girl carefully hiked up her dress to sit across the front of him, straddling his twitching and dribbling member. Cael reached out, so the girl took up his hands. She wrapped his arms around herself with her own, and gave Stephanie a tiny nod.

Grasping the girl’s knees, Stephanie bend down and barely caressed Cael with her nose. His scent was now inescapable, and Stephanie was unsure how much longer she would be able to resist. With a glance upwards she caught sight of the paired expressions of anticipation coming from both Her Pallaca and Tactical Officer.

Taking hold of his desperate shaft by its base with both hands, Stephanie took Cael into her mouth until the rivulet of semen was dribbled onto her chin, and her nose was pressed against the girl’s panties, adding her lustful scent to the bouquet.

The girl squeezed her thighs together in orgasm as she felt Cael pump with ejaculation. The first shot of semen was sent directly down Stephanie’s throat, she was trying to swallow when the second filled her mouth forcing her to pull herself away. Cael had never come like that before, ejaculate still coming forth in little spurts minutes later. Stephanie had several strands thrown across her, and much of it ran down the girl’s legs as well.

Afterwards, they rested together. Stephanie curled beside Cael upon whom the girl still lay. His softened penis still held between her thighs. In very little time, Stephanie drifted into a serene sleep. The girl made her way off of Cael, and lay between him and Her Lover. Cael began to carefully make his way off the bed, the girl turned to watch him. He gathered his clothing and took a furtive glance towards the bathroom. Noting his hesitation, the girl quietly encouraged him. So Cael showered quickly before letting himself out.

Cael took his time as he walked through the empty halls of the first deck. He found his heart still finding occasion to skip the odd beat. He expected to have trouble finding sleep, given his excitement, but Cael Theo was wrong. He slept better than he had done in some time, dreaming of his night with His Captain.

Stephanie murmured wordlessly in her sleep, careless and calm. The girl couldn’t help but smile as she watched Her Lover resting so well. Stephanie’s Pallaca found her own slumber before much longer, drifting off without realising, her breathing matching time with Stephanie’s.

- 39 -

Taking command at the beginning of the morning shift was executed effectively and efficiently. Captain DuHart received the night’s reports from her Tactical Officer duly and with nary a stray glance. Looking over them, DuHart discovered nothing beyond the routine. A quiet set in, and The Captain was able to enjoy it. Her new Communications Officer was a relatively seasoned Lieutenant, though she had never before served on a Capital vessel. She took the opportunity presented by the lull in activity, to procure coffee for the rest of the Bridge Crew.

“Thank you Lieutenant Nichols. With cream and sugar, please. The Captain takes her coffee black.” Cael informed her, Stephanie smiled to herself as she heard this.

Stephanie’s new Officer would do well, once her nervousness wore off. Stephanie thanked her for the coffee, and silently wondered what would become of the day before them. As she sipped her drink, The Captain knew she was ready for whatever it might be. A tiny anticipatory grin found its way onto Stephanie’s lips, when she heard a chime from the Communications console. Someone wished to speak with The Captain.

He initially requested a meeting in the cargo bay where he’d been working, but the Captain insisted The Commander meet her in her ready room. He obliged, but still wound up looking about the room, as if he were being watched. The Captain could sense his trepidation as she led him inside. She gestured for him to sit, but he refused. Stephanie chose to remain standing as well.

“You are leaving.” Stephanie didn’t need him to say it, to know.

“Yeah.” He could have explained his new means to her, but they did not matter. “Thank you.”

“You are welcome, Commander.” Stephanie considered asking him to do his best with the chance she’d given him, but thought it too trite to bother saying aloud.

“My name was Lexx.” He said, staring at his feet.

“You are welcome, Lexx.” Stephanie watched him shudder when she said his name. “Have you already decided on a new callsign?”

“No I-I… It’s not, No.” Commander Lexx drew in a ragged breath. “I’m having trouble picking a new one.”

“Perhaps it would be more worthwhile, to try and redeem your original name.” Stephanie DuHart said.

“That’s a hell of a lot easier to say, than to do, Captain.” He retorted sullenly.

“Yes, I am aware.” Stephanie’s voice faltered slightly, and so she looked away blushing under her fur and angry with herself.

“Did… Did They…” He lost the nerve to ask, but Stephanie turned to face him again anyway.

“I know Them very well.” She quietly admitted.

There was a long silence, where they said nothing but shared too much.

“I think I should be going, Captain DuHart.” He finally said, relieving them both.

“I wish you the best of luck, Commander Lexx.” She replied.

“Thank you. So far my luck’s been grand, so I’ll take a top-up.” He joked, they shared a laugh, then he left.

Captain DuHart remained in the solitude of her ready room for just shy of two minutes. Then she returned to her bridge, prepared. The remainder of the day would prove itself devoid of challenges, no matter how far from routine it was. DuHart’s vessel was being carefully worked over by swarms of technicians, but they did not answer to her. Leaving few tasks at hand for her, or the other members of her Command team.

Stephanie found what little there was, to be easily delegated. The Captain and her Tactical Officer were able to take advantage of the situation and catch up on the backlog of reports that had accumulated. After taking lunch, another uneventful hour passed on the bridge before The Captain received a report. The repair of The Queentia Iactura’s drives would take a week, at least. Stephanie decided this would serve as a fine unofficial break. Her crew required a rest, or time to find their niches, respectively.

Stephanie decided to use the remainder of the afternoon to work away at the stack of letters she was required to write. Having left Cael in Command, DuHart retired to her ready room. The Death Notifications were not technically her responsibility, But The Captain had taken the task unto herself. There were only Six Hundred and Fourteen of them, and Stephanie had found the time. So far she had successfully written only a small handful, but with a full afternoon to work with, DuHart managed to write more than a Hundred.

Each of them was near-enough the same, a plain explanation of what happened. Condolences more for the loss of the remains, than the person. Captain DuHart had stopped to procure a glass of water, having written the letter again, but not yet signed it. As she drank, a strange deja-Vu came over her. She placed the glass into the sink and returned to the table. She picked the sheaf of plastic back up and re-read her own words, trying to make sense of the strange feeling. Stephanie remained perturbed, and confused as to why.

Taking a small breath, she put the letter back down and signed it. As she folded it into an envelope, she checked her list again for the surname. A jolt ran through her nerves as she copied it down, recognition following moments later. Otho, Able Seaman Rufus Otho. Stephanie had just finished writing the Death Notification for the man from the galley that the girl had befriended. The Captain found she was now quite capable of remembering his name.

Shortly thereafter, Captain DuHart emerged from her ready room, and presented the stack of complete letters to Lieutenant Nichols to be sent out. Tactical Officer Theo prepared to return Command to His Captain, but DuHart informed him that she planned to retire early. Knowing what sort letters Stephanie was working on, Cael Theo acknowledged his orders dutily.

Stephanie hurried to her quarters. She came through the door suddenly finding the girl in the midst of her exercise. Somewhat startles, Stephanie’s Pallaca came loose from the angular pose she had been holding her body in, and lay flat onto her small rectangular mat used for this purpose. She took a moment to catch her breath and wipe her brow before speaking.

“Stephanie, you’re home early. I hope nothing is wrong.” She said.

“I- I’m sorry.” Stephanie replied. “I didn’t know until now.”

“What are- What?” The girl didn’t understand, she sat up as Stephanie knelt down beside her.

“You could have said. I’m so sorry about Rufus.” Stephanie offered an embrace.

The girl averted her gaze for a moment, her bottled grief coming uncorked. She tried to tell Her Lover that she was alright, that her mourning was done. Stephanie saw her tears, and knew the face of a lament that had been pushed down. The Captain leaned over and embraced The Concubine, a whimper coming from the tearful girl.

“He will be remembered.” Stephanie said to Her Lover, the only truth she had which could hope to compensate.

The girl wept in Her Lover’s arms, the tears having longed for escape for some time. They sat together, partially on the girl’s excercise mat, as her woe subsided. Stephanie was unsure what to say, so she said nothing and held the girl tightly. Her Lover appreciated DuHart’s strength, and accepted the support.

“He was a little intimidated by you, you know.” The girl mused suddenly.

“Seaman Otho maintained his composure very well then, I did not.” Stephanie replied with a small smile.

“He said you reminded him of his Aunt.” The girl stifled a giggle as she remembered.

“Oh dear.” Stephanie was forced to stifle a giggle of her own as several unanswerable and potentially inappropriate questions came to mind, about Otho’s Aunt.

“I miss him.” The girl lamented.

“He was a good friend to you.” Stephanie agreed. “You will make new friends.”

“Yes, I suppose.” The girl sighed.

“Please don’t become a shut-in.” Stephanie asked of Her Lover. “I like it when you force me to go out.”

“Aww, Stephanie.” The girl wrapped her arms around DuHart. “Don’t worry.”

“I will have the galley send something simple up for dinner.” DuHart declared with a smile.

“Can we get something really unhealthy?” Stephanie’s Pallaca asked, excited.

“I am sure they will have something that fits the bill.” The Captain replied.

A sweet and lightly spicy fowl curry, served with rice and beer. The crewman now tasked with supplying The Captain’s Quarters was extremely businesslike in his manner. Stephanie’s Pallaca couldn’t complain about him, but obviously had her preference. The meal was delivered very quickly though, and they ate happily while laying together in their bed.

“I’ve been told, he most likely went painlessly.” The girl said, sometime after they’d finished eating.

“Quickly, at the very least.” Stephanie said slowly.

“Do you think he suffered?” The girl wondered quietly.

“No, not in death.” Stephanie sighed. “That is how suffering ends.”

“Joy ends in death, also.” The girl reminded Her Lover.

“Painless, I suspect, is not the best word to describe matters of life and death.” DuHart quipped sullenly.

“Without pain, we would be numb to joy.” The girl touched Stephanie’s cheek, getting a smile from her. “We can measure degrees of such things, and I know that in time pain subsides.”

“You have taught me that.” Stephanie’s said, looking at the ceiling.

“Stephanie?” The girl waited for Her Lover to look into her eyes before continuing. “Have I ever told you, how beautiful you are.”

“Oh please.” Stephanie laughed nervously.

“I’m serious, have I?” The girl insisted.

“I’m sure you have, I wouldn’t have counted.” Stephanie answered once pressed.

“But you aren’t sure?” Seeing DuHart agree, the girl shook her head at herself. “Then I must do so.”

“I love you.” Stephanie began to blush, the girl brushed her whiskers.

“You are beautiful Stephanie.” The girl flattened the fur on Her Lover’s cheeks, feeling the warmth. “I love you too.”

Stephanie held Her Lover, each of them listening to the others heartbeat. For several hours they embraced in a communal silence. Eventually the girl would fall asleep. Stephanie held her for sometime thereafter, enjoying the calm and serenity Her Pallaca’s presence offered. The Captain came to a realization as she watched Her lover sleep: the girl would be safer on consular deployment. Any worries of Stephanie’s beyond that, could easily be secondary. The girl was what DuHart cared about, and Stephanie drifted to sleep with her in her arms.

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